Have I mentioned Parents As Teachers yet?
A coworker highly recommended PAT to me last spring. Our family is now enrolled and love it. I'm surprised how few people know about it. Its a program where a trained parent educator comes to your home. They show you methods that you as the parent can use to teach your child various skills, from motoring to language to relating with others and so on. They assess the specific skills your child may need more attention on. Depending on where you live, the program is either fully funded or partially funded by your city. Its for young children, those not in school yet.
The results are fantastic! This program has made Bret and I more confident in our parenting and our little girl is thriving. Our educator has even shown us things Teagan can do that we didn't even realize she could do.
If you're interested, find the PAT office near you from their website.
You know your a ftwm use your commute time to mentally make todo lists.
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