I'm a child a of a working mom (and dad!). My mom was lucky and stayed at home with me my first year. I then only went to daycare part time. I forget how long. I have asked my mother this many times but have forgotten. I eventually went to daycare full time.
As a child of a working mom:
- My early memories are of my MOM: driving in my mom's car with the window's down being "cool," singing "Walk Like and Egyptian" and doing the dance, playing on the big metal slides in the park after daycare with my mom and brothers, and on and on. (Yes Dad - there are many memories with you but I'm defending the working mom here. Don't worry you're the best!)
- My memories of daycare are of my friends: Mary and Lindsay and Bobby, oh and Stevie (my little boyfriend).
- I could barely tell you the names of the daycare workers or what they look like.
- My mom LOVED me and I knew this well.
-When I had a boo boo or was sad, I wanted my MOM.
- I never questioned why my mom worked. I knew my parents go to work and I go to daycare and play. I was a happy kid.
Those opposed of working mothers use the argument that daycare workers replace the role of the mother. From my experience, this is very untrue.
No one can replace a mom.
For my working momma friends struggling with being away from your child, take it from me. Its harder on you. Your child loves you and you will always be the mom.
If anything, your child will appreciate all that you do when he/she is grown (most likely when they have their own children). My mom is super mom. I'm impressed how she did it all. I hope to be half the mom she is.
You already are a wonderful mom. Teagan is a very lucky. Love you always.