Monday, April 30, 2012

Work From Home Fail

I wanted do some online training for work last Friday while home. Teagan naps for 2 hours, so I was going to work 2 hours.

I got situated, plugged in my laptop, and booted it up. I realized I didn't have my work badge. Then I saw that the training website had schedule down time throughout the weekend. Just my luck.

This was truly a double fail. I take it as a sign that I shouldn't do work at home. :)

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Dear Teagan

Dear Teagan,
You are 21 months old. What a fun and very sweet little girl you are becoming. You sign "Thank You" without being asked and you freely give kisses and hugs. You sometimes tease us that you won't give us a kiss at bedtime but then as we leave your room you pop a big old smooch on us. You're really big into climbing on things, including Mommy and Daddy. Daddy is very supportive of your bravery and cheers you on, like how you enjoy jumping off the side of your slide. I on the other hand have to brace myself. You always prevail, with lots of giggles.

You are becoming VERY girly. I like this. Daddy is pouting. I thought you were going to be a tom boy since you're so much like your dad. But recently you started playing with baby dolls. They are always naked. You like them to take naps (which involves them being completely covered by a blanket). You like to feed them, burp them, and push them around in a doll stroller. You are verbal about what you wear. Your clothes must be purple or have a kitty on them. You love shoes! You can even put some of them on all by yourself. You're such a big girl.  You now like to play with Mommy's makeup. You even make a fake "shh shh" sound when I spray my perfume on you.

The warmer weather is suiting you. You play outside all day at daycare and them come home to play outside all evening with us. This still isn't enough outside time. We have to take you in kicking and screaming. I bet you would live outside if we let you.

You recently starting picking up your kitties. You drag the fat one a little. They are in trouble now! You love your neighbor's kitty a lot! By the way you always talk about him you would think you don't own any cats at all.

You are a very picky eater. Your food groups consist of cheese, oatmeal, chocolate milk, yogurt, and mac n' cheese. These are the only things you will consistently eat. Everything else is hit or miss. You do like beets. This further proves you have no genes from me. They are not Mommy's favorite.

Our love for you keeps growing. You have our whole hearts. You are full of life and such a happy little girl.

We love you,
Mommy and Daddy


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Cuteday Tuesday

Here is a photo dump from my cell phone filled with cuteness. Enjoy!
Chowing down!

Watching Elmo videos with a baby in hand.

Pillow Shopping. Testing before buying. 

Doll stroller = Teagan reading chair

Putting stickers on kitties

Trying to get some Easter candy

Sitting in another doll chair

Family movie night

Positioning Pooh Bear to be a color buddy at a Disney store.

Happy Cuteday Tuesday!


Friday, April 20, 2012

Employers that Support Working Parents (Part II)

Funny after I just wrote a post about companies that support working parents, I came across this article:

IAG in Australia will give new moms double the pay for the first 6 weeks back after maternity leave. Winner!!! What a fantastic concept.

The article also talks about Australia's paid maternity leave policy (14 weeks!) and that:

"The United States is one of just four countries in the world without a national law requiring paid time off for new parents (the other countries are Liberia, Papua New Guinea, and Swaziland). "

Wow! Really? Shame on us. I think we live in a world country where people are having less children because they're expensive. Unpaid maternity leave can be a deterrent. I know more moms who work then who don't work.

I'm not saying I want a free hand out - I like to EARN my monies. But it would be nice to not be financially burdened for having a baby.


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Employers That Support Working Parents

My employer got it right with supporting the working mom (and dad's too!).  Instead of just dealing with a tough boss or employer, know that good ones do exist! Here are some of the great things my company does:

  • Mothers Rooms
    • There are multiple rooms designed just for pregnant or new moms. They were set up give nursing moms some privacy but you can use them to relax when your pregnant feet are too swollen or you need a break. Most have couches, lockers, sinks, and lots of helpful reading material. 
    • I have said it multiple times and I'll say it again. I would have not nursed Teagan as long as I did if I didn't have such a resource. I would dare not pump in a bathroom or a conference room that I could be walked in on. I'm very grateful for mother rooms!
    • Added bonus, I met other working moms and became friends with them.
    • A+
  • Parent Network
    • My company has many groups including a parent's network. There is a website with discussions boards and they frequently have brown bag meetings on various parenting topics. I use this resource often
    • A
  • Flexible Schedules. 
    • My favorite one of course! I can work 4 days a week and keep my benefits. 
    • Or depending on your team, you can work full time with a compressed schedule and have a day off here or there. 
    • Using a couple of sick hours take your child to a doctor appointment is not frowned upon either.
    • Pretty sweet! A+

The cool thing about the mother rooms and parent network is that they were initiated by employees. If your company doesn't have such a resource, start one!

Do your employers do anything to support the working mom?


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Cuteday Tuesday

Teagan, you are so girly! You love to wear mommy's shoes. Even boots that are taller then your legs. Strut your stuff baby girl!

Happy Cuteday!


Saturday, April 14, 2012

What's In Your Purse?

I recently went to a ladies night event. One of the games was "Ring My Bell." where the host would ask for an item in your purse. If you had it you were to run to where a bell was in ring it.

My friend and fellow working momma of boys pulled out a toy airplane and match box car from her purse. I chuckled, until I looked into my purse and saw crayons, bows, and an enormous amount of tissues as if snot-a-geddon was about to come. There might have been goldfish crackers or cheese-its in my purse at some point but all that remained was orange crumbs. Too small to distinguish the original cracker form.

I actually thought my purse was adult like since I remembered to remove the diaper and wipes prior to leaving my house. I was wrong.

So Mommas, let's hear it. What's in your purse? Leave a comment with what treasures you carry around since you became a mom.


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Cuteday Tuesday

Here is Teagan trying on some new clothes she recently bought.

The cuteness never stops with this one. Happy Cuteday!


Monday, April 2, 2012

Dress For Success

Since the weather has been warmer, I seem to spend more time staring in my closet, pondering what to wear to work. My closet it full but I have nothing to wear. Nothing dressy for warm weather at least. Have you ever had that problem?

So I went shopping :)

The Limited was my salvation.

I recently bragged about The Children's Place in a post. But us mommas need to be treated too. They have an amazing sale going on now.

40% off dresses and cardigans,
$20 tops (retail $40-$50),
and buy 1 get 1 free (yes free!) on their pants.

I love their pants.

They have some sort of rewards cash program (like Kohls and The Children's Place). Its not as good, but a deal is a deal. For every $100 you spend you get a $25 off $50 cash coupon. Basically you have to spend $150 to get $25 off. I'm sure I'll go back when the cash coupon starts.

I got this batwing style cardigan which really threw off some of my male coworkers today. It looked like this here. The sleeves confused some of them. I had to chuckle.


Sunday, April 1, 2012

Blog Makeover

How do you like my blog's new look? I think I'm done. Any suggestions?

I've spent so much time playing with the layout. I must stop. I keep tweaking the little details. It was fun to do :)