Thursday, February 7, 2013

What Not To Say To a Working Mom

A friend shared this article on Facebook:

What Not to Say to a Working Mom

***While though I agree with the comments themselves I do not agree with all of the authors reasons. Some of them are not kind about Stay At Home Moms. I am all for SAHMs and support them.***

Here they are [with my comments]:

(1) Can't you afford to stay home? 
[My reasons for working and my financial status is none of your concern]

(2) I'd give anything to get away from my kids for an entire day.
[Everyone has their own balance of family, work and personal time. Too much of one thing can make you resentful.]

(3) I'd miss my child too much to be away from him all day.
[Me too. Please don't remind me.]

(4) The problem with this country today is that not enough moms are home raising their children.
[I have never heard anyone say this, but its not worth a response.]

(5) Why did you have kids only to let someone else raise them?
[A coworker once asked me "Why would you let someone else raise your kids?" during my first week back from maternity leave. I had to use every strength in my body to stop the tears. Just don't say this...ever.]

(6) I don't know how you do it. It must be so hard.
[This one doesn't offend me. IT IS HARD.]

(7) You must be so organized to be able to balance everything.
[Smoke and mirrors]

(8) There's always time to work later, these early years are so precious.
[Again my reasons (including timing)  for working are none of your concern.]

(9) You look exhausted. 
[I'm not quite sure how I made the drive into work today either.]

(10) At least you treasure every minute you have with your son.
[All mothers treasure every minute their children working or stay at home. We are moms and never stop loving.] 

(11) Don't you worry you're missing out?
[I do. All the time. The guilt never ends. We do have hearts and souls.]


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