Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Working Mom's Can Potty Train

A few months before Teagan turned 2, we introduce her to the idea of using a potty. Months and months went by without any progress with potty training.

We've tried everything. Bribery with her favorite TV shows and candy didn't even work. Everyone and their mom gave us advice. Nothing seemed to help.

The thought crossed my mind many times, would we have better success if I was a fulltime stay at home mom? Then the guilt came. Could me working delay my child's progress? I have to remind myself that millions of children have parents that both work and those children grow up to be adults that don't use diapers. It will happen Kim.....more time passed.

About a week ago, Teagan (she's 2 & 1/2 now)  woke up one day and said she wanted to wear underwear. From that day on she started used the potty. I swear its like a light bulb went off. We are in full fledged underwear mode, even out in public places and are having great success.  Its almost too easy (minus the 8 months of prior trying). Hmm. So Working Moms can have kids that are potty trained.  Goodbye guilt.


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