Friday, March 30, 2012

Layout Under Construction

Please excuse the mess while I clean up my blog template. The old one was too limiting.

Mom Guilt

Fellow Mommas! I need your input. Check out my new "Mom Guilt" page and share your stories of mom guilt.

Mom Guilt

I'm still working on the format of my page tabs. The template I'm using didn't allow for page tabs. Stand by.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Cuteday Wednesay

I know. I missed Cuteday Tuesday. My laptop wouldn't connect to the internet last night. Sorry!

I got it working today so here is a belated Cuteday!

Miss Tea is saying "cheese" for the camera. They should come up with another word besides "cheese" that actually makes a smile..

On second though.


 I wouldn't have such cute cheesy photos otherwise.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Toddler Destruction

My little girl is STRONG. Nothing stands a chance with her. Here's are the latest casualties of her super human strength:

(1) My Glasses
Right handle is broken off. Super glue only held for a couple of days. I'll be wearing contacts full time until my yearly eye doctor appointment in June. I prefer to wear glasses to work since I use computers. This should be interesting. Took a week for my coworkers to notice I didn't have my glasses on.

(2) Water Logged Cell Phone
My fault. I always have a camera on hand. I can't resist taking photos of my baby girl. We went swimming. I had my cell phone in the pool. I got too close to Teagan and she bumped my hand. The cell phone took a dip. I took everything apart and let it dry out for 24 hours. It seems to be okay but its really hard to turn it on. I'm afraid to fly next since I'll be forced to turn it off. I don't know if it will power back up.

(3) Sunglasses x2
One pair I didn't even see her break. I picked them up from where I put them away and they were busted. The other pair was demolished. Many pieces.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Bargain Mommas

You might be like me. I like to buy clothes cheap! I'll obsess over the deals I find more then the items I bought :)

I hear people rave about prices they find on used clothes for their children. And I usually think to myself: "I can get something for that price NEW!"

My secret - The Children's Place.

Get on their mailing list. They'll send you emails on a billion sales and coupon codes. Wait a month or so on new items. They'll knock the price down. Quarterly they have "Place Cash" (just like Kohl's cash for my fellow Kohl's shoppers - but WAY better). Right now you get $20 Place Cash for every $40 you spend. That makes your items half off!

I'm an online shopper. Teagan hates shopping and I don't drag her around to stores. The Children's Place usually has free shipping and their website makes it very easy to pick out items.

With all their discounts, I rarely pay more then $10 for an item there. I usually pay $4-6 for shirts, knit pants, shorts, & skirts. $8 for blue jeans. Dresses are little more -$12. I see used clothes going for that price. These prices don't even take into account Place Cash. Cut everything in half.

Oh and don't even get me started on their outlet store. I found an adorable knit cardigan there for $2.50! You'll see it as a part of Teagan's Easter outfit.

Cheap, Super Cute, and Easy to by Online. My kind of store.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Cuteday Tuesday

(1) Saturday the sun was covered by some clouds. Teagan and her dad argued about it. Daddy told her it was the sun. Teagan consistently told him it was the moon.

"Teagan, that's the sun."
"Close, but its the sun."
"It kind of looks like the moon, but its the sun."

I like that she sticks to her guns.

This photo was taking a couple of weeks ago. Its the real moon. If you know Teagan, you know she LOVES the moon.
This picture captures Teagan perfectly. 
 (2) Teagan strutting her stuff in mom's shoes.

Happy Cuteday Tuesday!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Friday w/o Baby


Sorry for not keeping up with my blog. I'll try to be better.

Last Friday I did it. I dropped Teagan off at daycare on my off day. I had a doctor appointment early afternoon - something I dare not take Teagan too. So I thought I would use the morning to get things done. I felt guilty. It didn't take very long since I went part time to have a day just for me. 

Oh how I have dreamed about alone time. And then when I finally have a day, I was lonely. My house was too quiet. I decided I need people to talk to. I did get somethings off my todo list - like hanging up some picture frames I've had since November. Yeah, I never get things done. Then  my doctor appointment took forever. was an okay day. 

I don't think I'll be dropping Tea off at daycare on Fridays too often. I like my little buddy and having my never ending list of things to do. 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Grandparent Visit

Last week my parents came to visit. My mom was worried about spoiling my off Friday with Teagan. Never! Sometimes this momma needs time with her own momma. It was wonderful to have my parents in town.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Daylight Savings and a Sick Momma

Dear Daylight Savings,

Toddlers like schedule and are pretty good at sticking to them. You switch it up and chaos prevails. My poor husband had two crabby women to deal with this morning. He's wonderful and just laughed at us sleepy heads. So please go away. I'll take my daylight at any time as long as the hours don't get switched around.


Sorry for the lack of posts. I caught Teagan's cold and it was a nasty one. I don't think I've been sick at all since Tea was born (minus the food poisoning I had in Vegas last fall). 20 months sick free :). I like being healthy.  Being sick and a mommy is hard. I can't just curl up on the couch and watch tv anymore. I hope its another 20 months until I get sick again.

Stay tuned. I'll have some catch up posts on what's been going on.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Daycare$ and a Sick Schnook

This week, Teagan missed 2 days of daycare for vacation, then 1.5 days for being sick, and 1 day for my off Friday. We paid for a whole week and she was there 0.5 days.

Ever have weeks like that?

Tea's daycare is wonderful and is very affordable. This just makes me chuckle.

Tea wasn't feeling well the last day of our trip (Tuesday). So Wednesday morning I took her to the doc. Double ear infection. Poor dear. I loaded her up with the prescribed antibiotics and dropped her off at daycare. I'm a bad mommy. I should have stayed home with her. I only had a 2 day work week and really wanted to get some work done. She was miserable. Its no surprise her daycare called a few hours later asking us to pick her up.

I felt so guilty for taking her to daycare. Another mom guilt reason. I should start keeping a list of mom guilt reasons. Work guilt vs mom guilt. I can't win. 

On the bright side, Teagan is back to herself. 

Friday, March 2, 2012

Traveling Tot

I'm back!

We took a family vacation out to Colorado. I would consider this our first real vacation as a family. We travel a lot to visit family. This time is was just the 3 of us.

Here are my tips for traveling with toddlers:
-Miss Tea has flown many times but this is the first trip we got Tea  her own seat. She's still young enough to be a lap child, but I would highly recommend their own seat for a toddler. She's too active to sit on a lap. We originally put Teagan in the middle seat between us, but she quickly decided she was a window seat girl.

-As recommended by my coworker, we rented a carseat from the car rental company. It was totally worth the price not to lug her big car seat through the airport. Plus you can leave it strapped in when you return the car.

-That brings me to my next point - pack most of your child's things in her checked bag and bring very little as a carry on. Its much easier on the parent to keep track of less and to carry less. You don't want your child's beloved blanky getting put in dirty security scanner bins or dropped on the floor. Teagan loves to play with our Android tablet. We have games and songs on it for her. Its small and entertains her. Perfect.

(Side note: my restless little girl was great on the flight back. The only timed she got upset was while watching a "Hickory Dickory Dock" video on the tablet. Each round through the song there is a different animal climbs the clock. The last animal is an elephant that eventually breaks the clock. Teagan hates this part and was upset. Too cute).

-Bring snacks and an empty sippy cup. Buy a drink after you get through security. Having a familiar snack you child loves it better then the expensive airport food that she may not like anyways.

-Bonus - you get to bypass the security body scanner if you have a child in tow.

-Traveling during your child's sleeping time (early morning/late night or naptime) does not mean your child will nap on the plane. You might get crying baby instead (past trip experience) and you'll be one of "those" people.

Any one else have tips for traveling?

More pics from our trip:

Denver has a fantastic Children's Museum 

Denver Aquarium 

Checking out the Tesla showroom

Watching Airplanes