Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Blog's 1st Anniversary

Happy first anniversary to! Exactly one year ago today I started my blog.

I'm very humbled that anyone reads my little blog other then my mother (love you Mom!). Thank you to everyone who reads and comments on my blog. It means a lot to me that my rambles are enjoyable. I'm pleasantly surprised there were enough working mom topics to blog for a year. I have a feeling there will be many more. To my friends and family, let me know you read! I publish publicly on purpose and love talking about working mom topics.

Blog stats:

  • 3036 page view to date
  • 11 followers through Blogger
  • 11 followers through Google Reader
  • Audience from 10 countries (Lets pretend that the 9 countries other than USA actually are people and not spamming websites)
  • 137 posts

A BIG thank you for visiting my site. I hope my posts in the future keep you entertained. Visit often.


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