Sunday, September 23, 2012


I'm a big fan of the channel "Kids Place Live" on Sirius XM Radio.  It is a children's radio station that is also entertaining to adults. One day they played this song. I shared it on Facebook before, but it defiantly needs to be on my Mom blog. Enjoy. 


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Blog's 1st Anniversary

Happy first anniversary to! Exactly one year ago today I started my blog.

I'm very humbled that anyone reads my little blog other then my mother (love you Mom!). Thank you to everyone who reads and comments on my blog. It means a lot to me that my rambles are enjoyable. I'm pleasantly surprised there were enough working mom topics to blog for a year. I have a feeling there will be many more. To my friends and family, let me know you read! I publish publicly on purpose and love talking about working mom topics.

Blog stats:

  • 3036 page view to date
  • 11 followers through Blogger
  • 11 followers through Google Reader
  • Audience from 10 countries (Lets pretend that the 9 countries other than USA actually are people and not spamming websites)
  • 137 posts

A BIG thank you for visiting my site. I hope my posts in the future keep you entertained. Visit often.


Mom Brain At Its Best

I deserve the Mom of the Year Award.

Know what I did today?

I dressed Teagan without a diaper and dropped her off at daycare. Yep. I did that.

Bret called me after he picked her up at daycare and informed me of her missing undergarments. Daycare found out the hard way that Teagan's mommy is forgetful.

What was I thinking? I probably wasn't thinking. I can't even remember dressing her. Oh wait, yes I do. I remember she didn't fight me to get dressed. That's an accomplishment now a days. You know, it takes two. Teagan could have informed me something was different. She probably loved not having a butt 5 times as big.

Forgetfulness gets associated with lack intelligence. This is not looking good. I'm starting to wonder if I'll ever have my sharp brain back instead of when I will get it back. Oh boo.

Have a good night! Love,

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Toddler Rambles

Conversion I had with Teagan while driving home from daycare:

Mommy: Teagan, I saw you had a new teacher. What is her name?
Teagan: [Proceeds to run through the names of all her friends at school. No teacher name given]

Mommy: Those are the names of your friends. Who was the new teacher reading a book to everyone?
Teagan: Miss Tammy. [Ah..the light bulb went off. I had ask her a couple of times so I could decipher her toddler speak]

Mommy: Is Miss Tammy nice or bad? [mommy trying to assess this new teacher]
Teagan: Bad

Mommy: Why is Miss Tammy bad?
Teagan: Put N in time out. [N is the initial of Teagan's bff at school].

Mommy: [chuckling] Why did she put N in timeout?
Teagan: N probably pinched Teagan.

I think this is the longest real conversation we've had to date. This conversation made me laugh. Teagan thinks her new teacher is bad because she disciplines. Such a typical little kid thought. And Teagan uses the world "probably" now but she doesn't quite understand when to use it. She's big on tattling on her friends too. Of course she never tells us when she does something wrong. I know she's an angel all the time ... ;)


Friday, September 14, 2012

Cuteday Friday

Since I missed a couple Cuteday Tuesdays, here is a catch up Cuteday Friday.

Why are the spices lined up on the counter you ask?

The answer: Miss Teagan decided the spice bins would be better utilized as kitty and dolly beds.

Happy Belated Cuteday!


Momma Caregiver

I'm still here! It has been quite a couple of weeks. First our little girl was sick and then my hunny was not so well. I barely worked. Both are doing much better and hopefully we'll get back into routine.

Whats worse - getting puked on or cleaning up puke? I was the winner of both.

While my husband was down, I was a single momma. Doing both daycare drop off and pickup, all the house chores, running Teagan to tumbling class, bath and bedtime, etc. How do single parents do it? I'm exhausted. It definitely takes a team to take care of a toddler.

One night last week, it was just me. No baby girl, no husband. Before I was married, I lived by myself. I had a little apartment that I adored. Sometimes I remissness about those years. I liked living on my own. What momma wouldn't want a night by herself? But now I realized, my house is too big for just one person. It makes different sounds and is spooky. I didn't sleep well. I love my family and like it when we're all home. I'm not that single independent girl anymore. I'm a family woman.

I have lots of blog post topics in my head. I'll try to knock them out soon.


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Momma on the couch

I never followed up with my work's "On the Move" contest. I did it! I averaged 10,000 steps a day for 6 weeks. I pushed myself! I was on the tredmill pretty much every night. I even lost weight - a very nice bonus!

After the contest ended, I continued running. My husband and I had signed up for a 5K a couple of weeks after. I didn't run everyday like during the contest. Just enough to keep me in shape.

And now that the 5K is over. I've ran 0 times :) I am burnt out. I'm a momma on the couch and I don't feel guilty.

I do enjoy working out but its hard to find time. I felt like I was neglecting my family by working out everyday. And my todo list was never getting done.

I need to find a good balance.

My work gave out gift cards to those that averaged 10,000 steps a hello pretty new running shoes. Its a cool feeling to earn them. I'm already motivated to start running again.

These are those new Nike Free Run +3 shoes. They are amaaazing. I've never had shoes feel like these. They're suppose to give you a barefoot like feel. I highly recommend them for any running momma.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day

To all the working moms out there: Happy Labor Day!

No one understand what the word "labor" really means like us mommas. ;)

But enjoy your day off with your family. You deserve it.
