Saturday, August 24, 2013

First Week Back To Work

First week down! I think the first week back to work is one of the harder ones. It's an adjustment and you're trying to figure out a schedule that works for you, your family, and employer.

Another hard week is when your baby starts to show attachment and cries when you leave her at daycare. I remember that was around eight months for Teagan. I'm not looking forward to that milestone.

Highlights from my big week:
-Lacey cried all day her first day. Poor sweet baby. But the rest of the week she was better. She was smiley when I picked her up on the 3rd day.
-I made it to the half point of my commute before I cried on the first day and no tears after that :) With Teagan I cried when I pulled out of my subdivision. I consider this a win.
-I forgot my pin to get in my office and had to call someone to be let in. My team had made bets if I would forget. But I did remember my computer password. Another win!
-On the first day, I realized one of my breast shields (part of a breastfeeding pump) had a crack in it. I could only pump one side at a time and spent more time pumping. Fail.
-My water bottle of 7 years (a Nalgene bottle) had a slow leaking crack in it and puddled on my desk. I bought a pretty new pink one but I was sad to see my old one go. Yes, I was attached to my water bottle. 
-Still trying to figure out a schedule. My hubby did both drop off and pick up from daycare most days since with my commute and having to pump I'm gone 11 hours!

I'm thankful to have Fridays off this time around. Workday evenings go by so fast and Lacey is pretty sleepy in the evenings. A three day break is much needed.

It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be and I now agree that it is easier to go back with the second child. I was more stressed about the anticipation of going back then actually going  back.

First day back


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