Sunday, August 18, 2013

Tomorrow I Go Back To Work

Tomorrow I go back to work.

Tomorrow I will drink a cup of coffee, or two, or three.

Tomorrow I will wake up before sunlight to try to get myself and two kids ready and out the door on time.

Tomorrow I will listen to my radio station instead of a Mickey Mouse sing along CD for the one thousandth time.

Tomorrow when I get to work, I will wonder how my sleep deprived self made the commute.

Tomorrow my arms will be empty.

Tomorrow I will check the clock often and gaze at photos of my sweet girls.

Tomorrow I will eat a lunch with two hands and not be interrupted.

Tomorrow I may shed a tear, or two, or three.

Tomorrow I will have to pump milk, instead of feeding my little baby myself.

Tomorrow I will race home, prepare dinner, play with our 3 year old, love on our baby, give my husband attention, clean up dinner, give the girls a bath, and then crash on the couch.

Tomorrow my  house will not be picked up.

Tomorrow I will stress over finding time to exercise.

Tomorrow I will declare there are not enough hours in the day.

Tomorrow I will call my mom crying, saying I just can't do it and her words will give me the strength to pick myself up and carry on.

Tomorrow I will be maxed out.

Tomorrow I will I will feel empowered, that I am a working woman, mother, and wife and I can do it all.

Tomorrow my afternoons will no longer consist of cuddle naps.



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Chelsa! We survived the day. I'll write a post about our day soon.
