Friday, August 23, 2013

How to Survive Your First Day Back to Work From Maternity Leave

Well it's actually pretty easy to survive the day since time will eventually pass and it's highly unlikely you will die. Just remember to breath and the day will end, sometime. But here are some tips.

Getting Out the Door
This will not happen at the time you want. Be prepared to be late. You had weeks or months of not setting your alarm. Now you have to change your pjs before noon plus get cute baby fed and dressed. Cute baby will decide on a different schedule then you planned  (like waking up before your alarm, or demanding to be fed while you are in the shower).

Packing Up Baby
If your daycare allows, drop off all your baby gear the week before. Diapers, wipes, bottles, change of clothes, pacifiers, etc. You'll have enough on your plate the first day. Have one less thing to worry about.

Leaving Baby
Cheat and have your husband drop of baby at daycare. Or if you can handle going, bring husband along for support. It is easier if you're not alone. Or if your stronger yet, do it yourself.

Write down a list of baby's likes and instructions for the caregiver ahead of time. You will forget something if you verbalize your wishes the morning of and the caregiver may not remember everything you say. This will ease your mind during the day.

It will suck. No matter what time you leave, there will be traffic and construction. And you will have forgotten how unfocused other drivers are (playing on their cell phones and whatnot). Your sleep deprived self is just trying to stay awake. Between you and them, it will be an interesting game of bumper cars.

Quickly turn the radio station when a slow or sad song comes on. You will be over emotional. Hear any sad song and you will lose it. Only happy dance music today ladies.

Arriving at Work
Do you work at an office? Do you have a work badge? Congratulations if you found your work badge. I would consider that as being productive for the day. You will forget your badge pin or computer passwords. You think you know them? Wrong. It's muscle memory. Don't think, just push keys. Be prepared with phone numbers of who to call when you realize you don't remember. Once you log in, you will now need to reset your passwords. Great. You need to remember something new. Don't they know you're a new mom.....with a major case of forgetful mom brain? Good luck. You will call the help desk a 2nd time after lunch to reset your forgotten new password.

Your tasks for the day will include making up missed training while on leave. Get a cup of coffee. Those videos from high up execs make a good lullaby for sleepy mommies.

You will also have many "what the hell was I working on before leave" moments. Tracking down your over worked team lead will be another challenge too. Plan on producing nothing. Besides you were already productive by locating your work badge.

If you feel the need to actually do something, rearrange your desk. You'll need to find space for all the baby photos you brought in.

The Best Part
Coming home to your smiley little baby. You won't be able to put her down. You can ignore dishes or house chores without guilt.

Good luck! Don't let the working mom guilt get to you too much!


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