Monday, January 23, 2012

Dear Teagan

Dear Teagan,

You are 18 months old. What a blessing you are. I love this age. I know I say that about every age, but you truly are a delightful little girl. You LOVE to go outside. Maybe its because you were born in the summer. Winter with cold weather and less daylight is not working out for you. You would play outside in any condition, but we keep you inside and its dampening your spirit. You are a hawk when it comes to spotting things in the sky - airplanes, birds, and especially the moon. You will shout "moon moon" over and over again loudly, even if its only a moon sliver or daylight. You can always find it. You have a million toys but you prefer to play with Mommy and Daddy. You must have our full attention and we love giving it to you. You love to run. You will run from room to room or even just in circles. You find this very entertaining and giggle the whole time. You recently started singing by yourself. Hearing "Baa Baa Black Sheep" through the baby monitor is just plain cute. I swear you learn a new word everyday. I love having chats with you. You use "milk" for any beverage. When you ask for "milk" Daddy and I have to ask if you mean "milk milk" or "juice milk." You make sure to point out the Hersey's syrup when you want a little sweet. Speaking of sweets, you used to gobble up a treat by shoving the whole thing in your mouth. Now you eat treats slowly, savoring them.  You still love animals, especially cats. You love to pet them, sit on them, and now climb on them. "Teagan don't sit on kitty," is said very often in our house. You're beginning to snuggle! Something Mommy has dreamed about since you were born. We have our spot on the couch and watch (parts of) movies curled up with a blanket. I love these moments. You love your books. You have favorites. Some books never leave the bookshelf while others are read 100 times a week. You still are cheerful, smiley, and love people. You're starting to be shy around new people but you'll warm up and give out hugs. You bring so much laughter and happiness into our home.

I love you with all my heart baby girl.

Love, Mommy.

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