Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Closing Time

I need some more work stories. Its very easy to blog about the mommy side of my life and I forget to blog about the working woman side.

I would like to ask the question...why do they close my office bathroom for cleaning when I'm getting ready to leave work at the end of the day? I leave at 4:30, which I think is a normal leaving time. I'm usually rushing to get out the door so I can get to daycare before it closes. Every working parent knows about trying to get to daycare before they close.  I have a long commute and I pick up Teagan. By time I leave work, I won't get to my house for another 45 minutes to an hour. That's a long time to hold it. I could go find another bathroom on a different floor. But that's too much effort when I'm in "I get to see baby soon" mode. So I just suck it up and pray there is no traffic jam for the day.

Do the cleaning employee's have comment cards?

You know you're a ftwm when... leaving work has a whole new motivation.

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